[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In September, President Trump rescinded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, impacting about 800,000 immigrants commonly referred to as Dreamers. DACA allowed these young immigrants, brought to the United States when they were children, the ability to work and go to school legally without fear of deportation. With the program rescinded, about 100 DACA recipients are losing their legal protection every day. Congress has vowed to protect these immigrants, but has not yet taken action.
The DREAM Act, legislation to protect these immigrants, was first introduced to Congress in 2001. Over the years it has taken many forms, and it is unknown would provisions would be included in a new DREAM Act for 2018. The politics over the issue is messy. Though it is believed that a majority of Congress would vote for a DREAM Act, no legislation has yet been debated. DACA recipients are no longer able to renew their legal status, and beginning March 5th, previously approved applications will begin to expire.
More information on the Dream Act.
As an immigration law firm, the Law Offices of Scott Warmuth understands how stressful this situation can be for Dreamers. We encourage DACA recipients whose protections are expiring to contact our law firm for a free immigration consultation. There may be other legal options to remain in the United States legally. Call us at 888-517-9888.
Fate of Dreamers Still Undetermined Heading in to 2018
Topics: Immigration
Dec 27th, 2017