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California Cash Bail Reform Bill Sits on Governor's Desk

Article: California Cash Bail Reform Bill Sits on Governor's Desk

Senate Bill 10 (SB-10), the pretrial detention reform bill that could end cash bail in California, has passed the California Assembly and State Senate.

DACA Lawsuits and Appeals Continue to Work Their Way Through Court

Article: DACA Lawsuits and Appeals Continue to Work Their Way Through Court

Last Friday, a federal judge in Washington D.C. ordered the Trump administration to continue processing renewal applications for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Not All Bike Helmets Created Equal

Article: Not All Bike Helmets Created Equal

It turns out that some bike helmets offer better protection than others.

Recent Immigration Law News

Article: Recent Immigration Law News

Immigration law has been front and center in the news again this week.

Federal Judge Issues Order to Fully Restore DACA

Article: Federal Judge Issues Order to Fully Restore DACA

A federal district court has ruled that the DACA program was ended unlawfully.

Dog Bite Safety

Article: Dog Bite Safety

Dog bite safety practices can help to reduce the risk of a dog bite injury.

Viral Facebook Post Demonstrates Importance of Child Safety Seats

Article: Viral Facebook Post Demonstrates Importance of Child Safety Seats

A viral post on Facebook detailing a mother's "nagging" illustrates a point on car seat safety.

Anti-Immigration Policies Receive Push Back

Article: Anti-Immigration Policies Receive Push Back

Two news stories today showed push back against the trends of discouraging both illegal and legal immigration.