The fallout from the COVID-19 global pandemic is beginning to affect every day American and Californian life. The suspension or delay of several professional sport seasons, potential bans on large gatherings of 250 people, cancellation of March Madness, the postponement of the Coachella and Stagecoach music festivals, major conventions being cancelled, delayed movie releases, Disneyland closing...and this was all announced within the past few days! It's hard to say what other restrictions could occur as a result of the outbreak.
One specific unknown is how COVID-19 will affect your legal case. The Law Offices of Scott Warmuth strives to provide exceptional and responsive client service. However, it is very possible that a slowdown to legal cases outside of our control could occur. For personal injury cases, staffing interruptions at insurance companies could cause claim delays and the potential for disruptions to courts could cause litigation to stall. For immigration cases, there is the possibility of delays in processing and postponed court dates. Workers' compensation claims could also be slowed, with slower claim processing, difficulty scheduling medical treatment, or postponed depositions. Just speaking as a matter of fact: we do not know what the fallout of the coronavirus outbreak will be and how it will affect our clients. What we are sure about is that our attorneys and staff will continue to be available to answer any questions you may have about your existing legal case and that we will continue to protect your rights. We will also continue to offer 100 percent free legal consultations and case evaluations. Our mission remains the same: provide high-quality, affordable legal services to as many Californian communities as possible. And as always, we're on your side, all the way. Do not hesitate to contact us at 888-517-9888 if you need an update on your case! Please be sure to follow all coronavirus guidelines. Stay safe and healthy![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]How the COVID-19 Outbreak Could Affect Your Legal Case
Topics: Covid-19, From Our Office