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Collecting Evidence After a Personal Injury

Article: Collecting Evidence After a Personal Injury

Pursuing a personal injury case, whether its a car accident, slip and fall, dog bite, or any other kind of personal injury, requires evidence. 

Springing Forward, Cautiously

Article: Springing Forward, Cautiously

Most of the United States, including California, participates in Daylight Saving Time, though there has been discussion about abandoning the practice.

Driving on Wet Roads

Article: Driving on Wet Roads

Last Thursday and Friday saw extreme amounts of rain in the Los Angeles area, causing dozens of car accidents on the slick roadways.

Preparing Teenagers for Driving

Article: Preparing Teenagers for Driving

The data do not lie: teenagers are bad drivers when compared to every other age group. The primary factor is inexperience.

New Year, New Laws in California

Article: New Year, New Laws in California

Many new laws went on the books in California upon entering the new year.  Some could have an immediate impact on some legal practice areas.

Defensive Driving More Important with Limited ICU Beds

Article: Defensive Driving More Important with Limited ICU Beds

A lack of ICU bed space makes driving, especially at high speeds, more dangerous.

Article: Overlooked Sources of Distracted Driving

Even the most responsible drivers may not consider some potential distractions as potentially harmful.  These lesser known but still common driving distractions can cause accidents.

Effect of Seat Belt Laws on Safety

Article: Effect of Seat Belt Laws on Safety

In 2017, seat belts were used by just over nine in ten people across the country, with 96.2 percent of people using seat belts in California.  The increased adoption rate of seat belt usage is estimated to save thousands of drivers and passengers every year.