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Baldwin Park Woman Faces Fraud Charge for Exaggerating COVID-19 Symptoms

Article: Baldwin Park Woman Faces Fraud Charge for Exaggerating COVID-19 Symptoms

A recent local news story is confirming just how problematic exaggerating a condition can be when one is receiving workers' compensation benefits.

Pain and Suffering Damages in Workers' Compensation Claims

Article: Pain and Suffering Damages in Workers' Compensation Claims

One question the Law Offices of Scott Warmuth is often asked about by injured workers is how to pursue recovery for pain and suffering.

Biden Administration Aims to Clarify Rule on Unemployment Insurance and Covid-19

Article: Biden Administration Aims to Clarify Rule on Unemployment Insurance and Covid-19

The Biden administration released a fact sheet related to Covid-19 and economic recovery, with implications for employment law.

Am I Eligible for Temporary Disability Benefits in California?

Article: Am I Eligible for Temporary Disability Benefits in California?

If you have been hurt on the job in California, you may be eligible for temporary disability benefits that will cover some lost wages,

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Do the Job Safely

Article: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Do the Job Safely

There are many different types of PPE at many different strength levels used by countless industries to protect workers

Idiopathic Injuries and Workers' Compensation

Article: Idiopathic Injuries and Workers' Compensation

Injuries that occur while performing work are eligible for workers' compensation benefits, regardless of location.  However, some injuries that occur at a work location are not automatically eligible for benefits.

Going and Coming Rule in Workers' Compensation Claims

Article: Going and Coming Rule in Workers' Compensation Claims

The Going and Coming Rule is a legal concept that dictates whether a workers' compensation claim is available to workers injured during a commute to and from work. 

Ladder Safety

Article: Ladder Safety

Hundreds of thousands of people suffer ladder-related injuries in the United States every year.  Falls from even short ladders can result in serious injury and death, necessitating caution for any workers planning to use a ladder for any purpose.