[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Workers' compensation benefits are available to anyone who has suffered an injury on the job.  It does not matter how the injury occurred, who or what caused the injury, or if the injury only became apparent after weeks, months, or even years of repetitive motion or environmental hazard.  If a worker becomes injured, he or she will be able to access benefits.  What determines the level of workers' compensation benefits available to injured workers is the severity of the injury and how much the injury impacts the job duties of the worker. Workers' compensation benefits can include the following:
  • Medical treatment
  • Temporary disability
  • Permanent disability
  • Job displacement voucher
  • Death benefits
The more severe the injury, the more likely it is an injured worker is eligible for a specific benefit.  Minor injuries will likely only require medical treatment and would not be eligible for disability benefits.  To be eligible for temporary disability benefits, an injured worker must have been hospitalized or missed more than three days of work.  For permanent disability benefits, only injured workers who do not recover in full after medical treatment are eligible.  Job displacement vouchers are only offered to injured workers whose employer cannot or will not make reasonable accommodations for their permanent disability.  Workers' compensation death benefits are provided to surviving family members should the worst happen. If you've been injured on the job, an experienced workers' compensation law firm can help you determine what benefits you're eligible for and help you fight to receive those benefits.  Your attorney can fight your employer and insurance company to ensure you receive the proper level of medical treatment, receive an appropriate permanent disability rating, and receive appropriate accommodations to get you back working as soon as possible.  The Law Offices of Scott Warmuth offers free consultation to injured workers.  Call us today at 888-517-9888![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]