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Biden Administration Aims to Clarify Rule on Unemployment Insurance and Covid-19

Article: Biden Administration Aims to Clarify Rule on Unemployment Insurance and Covid-19

The Biden administration released a fact sheet related to Covid-19 and economic recovery, with implications for employment law.

New Year, New Laws in California

Article: New Year, New Laws in California

Many new laws went on the books in California upon entering the new year.  Some could have an immediate impact on some legal practice areas.

Exempt vs Non-Exempt

Article: Exempt vs Non-Exempt

There are two types of employees: exempt and non-exempt.  This sounds like the setup to a joke, but classification actually has some very important distinctions in how the rules of employment law apply employees. 

Reminder: Employers Cannot Force Unpaid Overtime

Article: Reminder: Employers Cannot Force Unpaid Overtime

The Law Offices of Scott Warmuth wants to remind workers that it is against the law to force employees to work unpaid overtime.